Rishi Jain

Hi, I'm Rishi

a learner
an innovator
a team player
a problem solver
an entrepreneur at heart


Program Manager

May '22 - Current

Contributed as a part of the PMO team for Professional Services. Led various initiatives for the overall department and undertook solution planning/scoping/delivery review for all the PODs. Also looked after the largest vertical (POD APAC) and the voice bot vertical (POD Voice). Alongwith this, executed a few projects end-to-end as a BA/DM.


Project Coordinator

Winjit Technologies
June '21 - Nov '21

Supervised two agile cross-functional teams of BA’s, designers, QA’s, developers to meet the project(s) goals. Managed 6 features from concept-to-launch for Wholechain + led all aspects of PM end-to-end for Cratylus & coordinated w/various stakeholders incl. clients.



Intern - USG - VP - Sr. Vice-President
May '16 – May '21

➔ Led Substance department by collaborating with other depts. & managed a team focusing on the core product
➔ Promoted to Core Council over 18 months ahead of schedule - Facilitated the overall functioning & strategy
➔ Represented the org. in 9 countries + 35 cities & revamped the org. strategy in pandemic (transitioning to digital)
➔ Identified & spearheaded all technical initiatives including the website & its weekly releases, digital platform, others



I.I.M.U.N. Website

Bootstrap, Bulma, MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Heroku

Managed a cross-functional team & redesigned the website of the organisation including both the front-end & the back-end. Played the role of Lead Developer as well as of the Project Manager including planning the timeline, defining the scope, selecting technologies, wire-framing, designing, documentation, developing, coding, testing, among others. Reduced the average page load time by 45% - increasing the monthly visits by 6.2 times & improving the overall customer retention.


Project Energy [Capstone]

Python, Keras, statsmodel, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, matplotlib

Time-series forecasting of electricity load consumption in the MMR using MA's, ES methods, statistical methods (ARIMA, SARIMAX) & DL models (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for univariate & multivariate datasets.

Project Energy


Find A Bed

MERN stack, Heroku

➔ Designed & coded a dynamic website which became the 1st national repository of the Covid centres in the country.
➔ Reached over 191K organic unique visits in the first week of the launch.
➔ Identified the pain points of the product, mapped user journeys, defined key metrics, gathered data for informed decisions & prepared mock-ups.
➔ Spearheaded the initiative including the planning, execution, marketing, launches, operations & others.
➔ Added CRUD functionalities, multilingual translation, payment gateway, chatbot among other features.

Academia & Certifications


Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®)

Scrum Alliance, Inc.

MBA (Marketing) + BTech. (Computer Eng.)

NMIMS University
June '17 – June '22

Dual degree in Bachelors of Technology and in Masters of Business Administration

Business Analytics MM

Columbia University on edX
Nov '20 – Sept '21

➔ BAMM.101x: Analytics in Python
➔ BAMM.102x: Data, Models & Decisions in BA
➔ BAMM.103x: Demand & Supply Analytics
➔ BAMM.104x: Marketing Analytics

Version Control w/Git

Atlassian U.

A course on various functionalities of Git version control system.

Web Development

Dr. Angela Yu

Full stack web development course including HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB and others.

Deep Learning Specialization


Covers RNN, CNN, LSTM, transformers, among others in 5 courses. Utilised TF to tackle real-world cases such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, NLP, and more.

Statistics & Data Science MicroMaster

Massachusetts Institute of Technology on edX
September '20 – January '22

➔ 6.431x: Probability – The Science of Uncertainty & Data
➔ 18.6501x: Fundamental of Statistics
➔ 6.86x: ML w/Python - From linear models to DL
➔ 6.419x: Data Analysis – Statistical Modeling & Computation in Applications

Skills & Tools




Python, SQLite database, TkInter GUI

Designed an interface using TkInter GUI with CRUD functionalities for the details of the students in the SQLite database using the Python Database API.

Android App

Java, Android Studio

Developed an app to emulate the enigma machine using a substitution cipher for encryption/decryption & designed various test-cases.


Python mini-projects

➔ Pandas
➔ Word count
➔ Web scraping
➔ SQL using Python
➔ Machine Learning
➔ Network Algorithms
➔ String manipulation
➔ Text-mining wikipedia


ML mini-projects in Python

Set of 5 projects completed as a part of the 6.86x course on Machine Learning –
➔ Numpy & debugging
➔ Digit Recognition (2 parts)
➔ Automatic Review Analyzer
➔ Collaborative Filtering via Guassian Mixture
➔ Text based game using deep Q-network, tabular Q-Learning & Q-Learning with linear approximation

Other mini-projects

Python, Flutter, R

Flutter mini-apps, Social media bots using Twitter API, numerical methods & algorithms, movie recommender system based on fuzzey sets and genetic algorithm, various machine learning models & others