Hi, I'm Rishi
Contributed as a part of the PMO team for Professional Services. Led various initiatives for the overall department and undertook solution planning/scoping/delivery review for all the PODs. Also looked after the largest vertical (POD APAC) and the voice bot vertical (POD Voice). Alongwith this, executed a few projects end-to-end as a BA/DM.
➔ Led Substance department by collaborating with other depts. & managed a team focusing on the core product
➔ Promoted to Core Council over 18 months ahead of schedule - Facilitated the overall functioning & strategy
➔ Represented the org. in 9 countries + 35 cities & revamped the org. strategy in pandemic (transitioning to digital)
➔ Identified & spearheaded all technical initiatives including the website & its weekly releases, digital platform, others
Managed a cross-functional team & redesigned the website of the organisation including both the front-end & the back-end. Played the role of Lead Developer as well as of the Project Manager including planning the timeline, defining the scope, selecting technologies, wire-framing, designing, documentation, developing, coding, testing, among others. Reduced the average page load time by 45% - increasing the monthly visits by 6.2 times & improving the overall customer retention.
➔ Designed & coded a dynamic website which became the 1st
national repository of the Covid centres in the
➔ Reached over 191K organic unique visits in the first
week of the launch.
➔ Identified the pain points of the product, mapped user
journeys, defined key metrics, gathered data for informed
decisions & prepared mock-ups.
➔ Spearheaded the initiative including the planning,
execution, marketing, launches, operations & others.
➔ Added CRUD functionalities, multilingual translation,
payment gateway, chatbot among other features.
➔ 6.431x: Probability – The Science of Uncertainty &
➔ 18.6501x: Fundamental of Statistics
➔ 6.86x: ML w/Python - From linear models to DL
➔ 6.419x: Data Analysis – Statistical Modeling &
Computation in Applications
Set of 5 projects completed as a part of the 6.86x
course on Machine Learning –
➔ Numpy & debugging
➔ Digit Recognition (2 parts)
➔ Automatic Review Analyzer
➔ Collaborative Filtering via Guassian Mixture
➔ Text based game using deep Q-network, tabular
Q-Learning & Q-Learning with linear approximation
Flutter mini-apps, Social media bots using Twitter API, numerical methods & algorithms, movie recommender system based on fuzzey sets and genetic algorithm, various machine learning models & others